Two New Work Pass Categories for Foreigners in Singapore on Short-term Assignments25 January 2008
1.From 1 February 2008, the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) will no longer issue Professional Visit Passes (PVP) to foreigners working in Singapore on short term assignments. MOM will instead introduce two new Work Pass categories for such foreigners - the Miscellaneous Work Pass and the Work Permit (Performing Artiste).
2 In addition, MOM would continue to exempt foreigners currently exempted under the PVP scheme as well as those performing two new short-term activities from having to obtain a Work Pass.
Miscellaneous Work Pass
3 Instead of applying for a PVP, the following groups of foreigners will need to apply for the Miscellaneous Work Pass with effect from 1 February 2008:
i) A foreigner who is involved in activities directly related to the organisation or conduct of any seminar, conference, workshop, gathering or talk concerning any religion, race or community, cause, or political end;
ii) A foreign religious worker giving talks relating directly or indirectly to any religion; and
iii) A foreign journalist, reporter or an accompanying crew member not supported/sponsored by any Singapore Government agency to cover an event or write a story in Singapore.
4 The Miscellaneous Work Pass is valid for up to 60 days.
Work Permit (Performing Artiste)
5 Similarly, instead of a PVP, foreign artistes performing at any bar, discotheque, lounge, night club, pub, hotel, private club or restaurant will need to apply for a Work Permit (Performing Artiste).
6 The maximum duration of the Work Permit (Performing Artiste) is 6 months. Please refer to Annex A for details.
Work Pass Exempt Activities
7 Foreigners will also have the flexibility to enter Singapore and perform certain activities for short durations without a Work Pass. Foreigners who are exempted from Work Pass requirements would include those performing activities currently exempted under the PVP scheme and two new activities.
8 These new activities are exempted because they require specialised skills or expertise that is generally not available in Singapore. They are sporadic in nature and carried out for only a short period and the foreigners performing these activities do not have an employer-employee relationship with the local company. They are:
i) Those providing expertise or specialised skills :
a) In the commissioning or audit of any new plant or equipment (including any audit to ensure regulatory compliance or compliance with one or more standards); or b) In the installation, dismantling, transfer, repair or maintenance of any equipment, processes or machine, whether in relation to a scale up of operations or otherwise.ii) Arbitration or mediation services (including involvement as an arbitrator or a mediator) in relation to any case or matter which does not relate to involve religion, race or community, a cause, or political end.
9 Foreigners performing Work Pass Exempt Activities can do so for the duration of their Social Visit Passes subject to a maximum of 60 days. Please refer to Annex B for details.
10 Foreigners exempted from obtaining a Work Pass will need to e-notify MOM via our website before performing these activities.
11 ICA will cease accepting PVP applications (new and renewal) from 1 February 2008. ICA will, however, continue to process outstanding applications submitted to it on or before 31 January 2008.
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